Harikrishnan Balagopal
Software Engineer at IBM Research,
IIT Kanpur Alumnus
coding exercises
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Watch a soothing code waterfall (The Matrix effect)
Or play around with a cool physics demo built using WebAssembly.
Inspired to create? Compose away on this musical piano (Super Mario Theme built-in!)
If you are feeling lazy, watch this raytraced Earth spin for hours.
Ready to game? Let's play some Mario!
or we can play Chess!
Click here to start sending messages!
Looking to improve yourself? Learn a language!
Awesome Stuff
Some of my better codepens
Some more of my better codepens.
WebGL Path Tracing
Javascript Hacks and Creative Coding
Spinning Globe Quine
Synthetic Aperture shader
First fully automated DEFCON CTF held by DARPA
Martin Kleppe: 1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry -- JSConf EU 2013